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What you should know about the Internet and
new technologies

Success stories of those who use it


CNN report, a real case and an example of business model to follow. Two young entrepreneurs from Indiana University (USA) started their business with almost no money, began selling used books online, self-financing during the first five years, and getting to bill $ 4 million in 2005, rising to $ 31 million in in 2009.
Now have their own website selling books online, every day about 50,000 books sold.


What you should know about...

This section is dedicated to educate and inform of new technologies to entrepreneurs, companies, and people who still do not fully use them or are reluctant to trust them, and those who think we exaggerate when we say that new technologies can be the tool that help mitigate the crisis successfully.

On the one hand this is true for the considerable decrease of the economic investment in infrastructure, and secondly the global reach has now been appointed the network by 2012 as the year of mobile technology, soon there will be more mobile terminals in the world that people on the planet. Entrepreneurs, small businesses, medium, large, as well as multinationals, everyone needs the network and new technologies to survive, grow and be competitive.

Below we invite you to take a moment to watch the videos below these lines, what else would be interested depending on how much knowledge you have and the technological need you have. If you find something you want to incorporate into your business or as an entrepreneur wants to put into practice, please contact us.

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